Tampa Managed IT Services including: Managed Backup Services, Managed Co-location Backup, Managed Cloud Hosting, Managed Off-site Backup for Managed Disaster Recovery Planning.
If a disaster happens & you don't have a plan to restore your services it could cost you your business. 90% of Businesses without a plan end when a major disaster hits like a virus that encrypts all of your data or a server failure that makes your data unrecoverable. Poor setup will lead to failure & we see businesses setup improperly every day. Without a plan in place that poor setup could ensure that you do not get your business up & running in-time to save your business as every minute of being down costs you far more than proper tech support ever will.
Creating your Disaster Recovery plan will do a few things, the first being it will go through a comprehensive checklist of what you have setup & see if its setup properly. Many businesses have us come do a disaster recovery plan to ensure their internal staff or other Managed Services provider is properly managing your IT needs. Second the plan will collect all your IT & Support information into a single location so that it can be easily accessed should a disaster strike. Finally it will also show who will need to do what in a disaster scenario to restore you as quickly as possible. This is especially important in governmental, large or enterprise businesses in case the media needs to be informed or a lawyer needs to be contacted etc.
Managed Disaster Recovery planning & Compliance Management Managed IT Services go hand in hand as many compliance standards require a Managed Disaster Recovery plan to be in place to ensure that the business is restored to functionality in the least amount of time. Many vendors or clients also require that you have a Disaster recovery plan in place for the same reason as they want to ensure that if disaster happens that you are prepared to restore your IT Functionality as quickly as possible. Computer Doctors can handle any Managed Compliance need including Managed PCI compliance, Managed Hipaa Compliance, Managed CUI Compliance, Managed Sans Compliance, Managed FISMA Compliance & many more Managed NIST Compliance Categories. Learn more about our Compliance offers by clicking here
Managed Network & Managed Server redundancy is very important part of every disaster recovery plan. Having a second system setup & syncing with the first ensures the least amount of downtime when a disaster strikes. Whether your servers are on-site, co-located or cloud hosted or any combination of a hybrid solution does not mean they are guaranteed as even large cloud hosting providers have hacks & failures often which are even more disastrous. An ounce of prevention is worth 100lbs of cure.
Penetration Testing, Managed IT Security Monitoring Managed Services go hand in hand with Managed Disaster Recovery as your disaster recovery plan should be constantly changing & evolving to meet new IT Security threats. Monitoring against problematic attacks allows you to see vulnerabilities in your Managed Disaster Recovery plan & update to meet those challenges.
Government Compliance & Managed Disaster Recovery Services ensure that you are meeting all local laws & requirements in your business & in your recovery. This is especially important for businesses that work with the government or provide a public service that people depend on.
Managed IT Services for all kinds of businesses & industries